Are you still insecure after installing CCTV cameras?

Connect Face Recognition to your pre-existing CCTV setup and get past all your insecurities!



Dotmole software demo and explanation

Shravan Shetty

Next decade is going to be of AI/Automation, everything including Security is going to be dominated by Smart Application Cameras. I'm Shravan Shetty and I developed this product because of shear love for Software Development and Artificial Intelligence.



( Order Dotmole Services now )

Face Recognition

An end-to-end real time face recognition system with capability to train on new unknown images too.

Motion Detection

Real time motion detection to cut short your browsing time and also save memory.


( Desktop Application for hardware systems like CCTV/IP cameras and sensors )


Install Dotmole

Apply for beta version and install Dotmole when it's launched.


Create an account

Create an account on Dotmole which is required for security purposes.


Update profile

Update your personal profile so that updates can be sent to you per event.


Add device to Dotmole

Devices connected to same LAN must be added to Dotmole to start service.


Select applications

Select apps on Dotmole that you want to connect to your devices.


Start Dotmole

You're ready to go, enjoy Dotmole services and contact us for any queries!

How It Works?

Build on top of Dotmole

Build your security system on top of Dotmole. Seamlessly connect the live stream with Dotmole to get live updates!

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Free Updates!

Regular hassel-free application updates, without having the need for hardware changes. Isn't that great? You can also create your own security applications for the dotmole :D

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Learn more about Dotmole

Dotmole is a desktop extension acting as a smart application layer for the data coming from hardware devices.
Download the free version to get started with the Dotmole services or contact us to get the APIs.
Dotmole Snitcher is a nest of smart services provided by Dotmole which acts as an application layer to the data coming from the hardware devices.
Yes you can use custom scripts with Dotmole Snitcher and also deploy it to Snitcher solutions basket.
Download the Dotmole Desktop application which let's you interact with Snitcher without coding.
Reach out to us via Social Media, hit a PR at Github or email us at


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